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  • January 30, 2013 2 min read 2 Comments


    My plants taking basically a third of my dining table...


    My avocado tree, I started it from the pit (pretty proud!).

    It's down right mid-winter and I miss gardening outside already. Sheesh! To compensate, I've been tending to my indoor plants. This is a somewhat new skill I'm trying to acquire, since I've always been much better tending for outdoor greenery (veggies and herbs mostly). I have no idea why, but that always seemed much easier to me.


    "Haworthia Attenuata" and "Haworthia Cooperi".

    My "Moon Valley" plant, when I first got it 2 years ago. Look at it now, in the 1st picture!

    Some I have quite mastered, as far as caring for them goes. My avocado tree (started it from the pit) is looking quite good (altho it's having falling leaves issues right now, but I'm guessing it's only because of the winter season). My two "Haworthias" are growing slowly but surely. All my succulents are going crazy... And my "Moon Valley" plant is actually growing way too much, making it sparse... I will have to do cuttings soon and start another one to replace it.


    Out of control "Baby Tears" plant (porcelain planter I made in a class).

    Others seem to just not want to cooperate... My friend Paule gave me (not once, but twice) cuttings from her "Elephant's Food" plant, and both times they died on me... Now, I did a bit a of research on how to deal with those cuttings, hopefully next time I'll get the hang of it! Also, my "Baby Tears" plant is a bit out of control, I will need to learn to trim it properly...


    "Spider" plant & terrarium by Crown Flora.


    Air plant and moss, a terrarium by Crown Flora.

    Also, I recently purchased a terrarium, in a beautiful drop shaped glass globe, from Crown Flora. Paired with a "Spider" plant (made that ceramic pot in a pottery class!), and with added chains and metal links, it makes for a beautiful floating duo I think!

    As you can see in the picture below (don't mind the mess to the right, I have a work-supplies-storage-issue...), I kinda need to hide the cat litter box in some kind of way in that corner... Not quite the most beautiful thing to look at, to say the least! I was thinking of a plant ladder, but it's going to be hard to find one larger in the bottom that the box, without a step on the bottom, and also, one that won't crowd my hanging planters on top either... Any ideas for me perhaps?

    That's that for my home's small indoor gardening tour! :)



    2 Responses


    October 26, 2014

    I still really love the aqua wall! :) Awesome plants!


    October 26, 2014

    Why thank you dear! :)

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